Our Volunteer Tutors

ESL ProLiteracy Certified Tutors

Most of our tutors were trained by ProLiteracy Worldwide. New tutors, under VCLC’s membership, create an Education Network (EdNet) account at ProLiteracy.

The EdNet account is for online professional development which allows them to work independently. Tutors are the essence of our goal to enhance literacy. Tutors teach adults to read, write, and speak English, basic numeracy, financial , digital technology, and civics/citizenship literacy. The different needs and objectives of individual students are carefully matched with the strengths and experience of our quality cadre of tutors.

For questions, more information, or to sign up to be a tutor please contact Cecy Rodriguez – crodriguez.vclc@gmail.com.


Tutor Eligibility Requirements

  1. Be at least 18 years old.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to speak, write, and understand English well enough to communicate clearly. Volunteers must have at least a high school diploma or GED to be eligible to be tutors.
  3. Agree to tutor an adult student twice per week, 60-90 minutes per lesson, at times agreed upon with the adult student. Some tutors and students may agree to meet once per week with longer sessions.
  4. Agree to plan appropriately for each tutoring session in keeping with the learner’s objectives. Most tutors allocate 30-60 minutes per week to prepare for tutoring sessions.
  5. Agree to tutor a student at least 12 months. A volunteer that drops out can be a tremendous disappointment to the new reader or learner of English. Be prepared to tutor a student for at least one year.
  6. Abe to meet with a student at an approved tutoring site. VCLC will help you find a site to meet.
  7. Agree to supply your own transportation to and from the tutoring site.
  8. Successfully complete the Tutor training course. Tutor training is offered sever times throughout the year.
  9. Agree to complete student progress reports accurately and in a timely manner.

Tutoring FAQ

Do I need to know a second language to teach English to a non-English Speaker?

No, you do not need to speak a second language. our training program assumes that you do not speak a foreign language. Training is provided by ProLiteracy America certified trainers and a variety of methods are used to teach non-English speakers in the English language.

What happens if I need to miss a meeting with my student?

Over the course of a year or two, you and your student will have valid reasons for missing some tutoring sessions. Rescheduling is arranged to suit both parties.

What happens if I do not feel the match is working out?

You should talk to the VCLC Executive Director who will discuss your concerns and either resolve them or assign you to another student.

What does it cost to be a literacy tutor?

There is no fee for participating in the program.

What are the benefits of becoming a volunteer tutor?

As a tutor, you are personally addressing the huge issues of illiteracy. Watching your student master new skills is extremely gratifying. In addition, many tutors enjoy building new relationships and learning about other cultures. Tutoring is a rewarding activity at any age.

How do I get started?

Please submit a Tutor Application Form, or call orĀ email Cecilia Rodriguez, Program Coordinator at 505-925-8935.



Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Physical Address:
El Cerro Community Center
309 El Cerro Mission Boulevard
El Cerro, New Mexico

Mailing Address:
PO Box 524
Tome NM 87060-0524

Call: 505-737-3523

Updates to this website were possible thanks to a Community Action Grant fromĀ 

Website design by Ludwig Development.